As I was sitting in my room minding my own business
Well, actually I was studying for my FAR430 paper.
My housemates were watching TV, NONA I think and it was featuring weddings and stuff
(blame me for not really paying attention)
ok this is alex 'HOT' pettyfer..not the groom in NONA.. |
“Smart gile!”
These were some of the shouts I heard from those TV-goers.
Then I smiled to myself, and remembered what one of my friends used to tell me,
“You know lisa, u can’t blame guys when they keep on ogling on and praising beautiful girls. Girls are just the same!”
awww..i want this cat-frog!! TOO CUTE! |
Yeah. True. I agree girls are just as shallow as a guy could be.
If told to choose between a fugly frog and a dashing horse
90% would go for the horse.. even if that horse is full of crap - looks can be deceiving.
This is how most girls contradict with what they like to say to their guy friends
“Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
hey babe, i know u can't resist my emo hairstyle ;) |
A guy would always want to look at cute @ hot @ ayu girls
A girl would always be excited whenever a handsome @ kacak guy walks by
(Yes! We do this. Discreetly.)
Even though they don’t know who that person is.
I say both genders are the same.
It’s how God made us, to love looking at beautiful things.
To judge and appreciate the beauty that God made us.
So whenever a guy friend says “Wow, that girl is totally hot!”
Just agree with him (unless she is really not that hot)
And remind yourself, you would do the same.
alyzv~ Beauty is Subjective.
Oh do watch this .. really liked how he explained about beauty :)
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