but i was just looking for the right mood to publish this one~
The thing is, my mind is still not ready
to welcome the New Year 2011
thus I'm feeling not quite my blog-loving self these days.
Hey, don't worry,
i'll try to unfold the meaning of these so-called emo-ish feelings
just hope that u'll be able to bear with me
while im trying to bring back my old self again
or maybe i shouldn't be my old self - since its going to be a new year?
pic taken in front of Low Yat Plaza |
It was Christmas Day last Saturday
Then this friend of mine
asked me out
to go to Low Yat and then jalan-jalan
he didn't have a plan actually,
he just wanted to go buy some things in Low Yat.
Soo..i admit i was bored, and wanted to walk around KL..
BUT! i forgot that since it is the holidays
KL will be FULL of people!
its kinda like ppl going for Hajj
but this time the ppl are
cam-whoring shopaholics ~
Since i was so in the mood of walking, i decided to WALK to Pavillion - since we both haven't been there before!
I was confident at first of its whereabout but alas~
we got lost for those few minutes~ :P
And then we asked some ppl
and FINALLY found a flock of people
many,many,many ppl
heading towards ONE place
I really wanted to TAKE PICTURES at that time
but there were too many ppl
and i lost the mood..huhu
So we were just window shopping~
Which made me WISH i had LOST of money with me :(
me and mr.mystery? |
Fried Prawn Mee @ the Food Court..nice! |
At the end of the day~
i had sore feet, but had an accomplished feeling of being able to find what i've forgotten a long time ago.
"The greatest joy u'll ever find is when u open ur mind to new adventures"
26/12/2010 Went to Balai Seni Lukis Negara
with mom and bro.
I actually wanted to check out the Rantai Art Show
because some guys from my college are having their work featured
And i kinda always liked to look at how people express themselves through art~
Pic in front of BSLN |
Rantai Art Show |
where young artists show off their
really really creative and inspiring works of art!
Too bad i can't really take pictures of them :P
But below are some that really caught my attention~
Yeah i know what u're thinking, how come those boxes of cigarettes are glued to the wall?
On almost every pillar in the building u can find these 'art' if u may call it
and the tagline
"Aiyah..it's not mine lah!"
At first i thought it was some kinda joke,
like was just ppl gluing boxes on walls .. with no meaning..
Then come to one exhibition hall we finally find out what it meant
It is kinda like the 'TAK NAK!' campaign against smoking
Showing how problems arise thanks to smoking..
BUT what made me really interested in these boxes are of
HOW MANY they are.. ALOT!
And i wondered WHERE they managed to collect this amount of cigarette boxes??
Come to BSLN and see more of this! |
It was fun actually hanging out inside the Balai Seni,
it felt calmer and peaceful
Very DIFFERENT then when i was in pavillion the day before..!
NEXT we went to Taman Tasik Titiwangsa
which is just behind the balai seni.
Its been a long time since i've been here~
I remember always going here as a child
going to the playground! hehe
How i wished i was still a kid
with no worries of the problems in the world~
What intrigued me the most was the remote control car racing track!
Its been here since forever!
I remember having one of my own,
but never really had the time to play it on this track.
So..everyone was crowding the race track
as if there's really this special event going on.
But in fact, this just ppl with RC's playing around~
some of the captivated crowd. |
And made me miss being a kid..
But now its almost 2011
and im almost 22 !
A friend of mine once said to me
'U're still young, ENJOY UR LIFE.'
Well..friend..i hope u'll always be there so that we can enjoy each others company :)
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