Monday, May 17

What She Learnt Today : Blogging 101

This morning i thought of trying out 'new' stuff in this blog of mine,just trying it out for size..

1) Added DISQUS comment form

Does it make my blog look too crowded?

How i did it?
ii- Logged in and registered my blog

 iii- Chose the appropriate settings

iv- Chose which platform i want to install it into ( i.e Blogger)

Then this appears~
This is  where the difficult part begins,
Step1: Went back to my Dashboard > Layout/Design > Edit HTML 
Here i clicked on 'Download Full Template'
and saved it into wherever i want (i.e My Documents)
Step2:  Browsed for the template i downloaded just now
then click Upload & Continue 

v- Copied the code it the scroll box and pasted it into the ' Edit Template' area, making sure to Expand Widget Templates 
Then go to Settings > Comments and change Comment Defaults for Posts to 
'New Posts Do Not Have Comments'
vi- DONE! Photobucket Now i have my own DISQUS comment form! 

Huhu still dont know what made me do this..
Maybe i just thought it would be easier for me to interact with my lovely commentators ;)
But please do give some feedback about this thing-y..does it make u NOT want to drop any more comments, or is it easier for you ? Please let me know k?

Theeennnn i started to roam into other stuff~ haha

2. Added a widget that lets me know how many people are stalking me! ( as if anybody would ever stalk me..huhu)Photobucket

Just go to copy the code and paste it into your HTML/Javascript form!

So now i have this red-box thing-y on the left center of this blog..
Seems a little crowded now eyh? huhuh
maybe i'll just let it rest there for awhile, try2 only..

3. Some more~~ I finally learnt HOW they make those little cute animations appear in the cbox!
*haiya lyssa, now only u know ah?? 

i- Just login to
ii-  Then click on 'Options' and choose 'Smiles'
iii- Then just replace the URL box with your own pic URL!
( i.e Photobucket, Imageshack etc)
iv- Having fun just replacing every icons with new animated ones!
So these are 3 things i managed to learn today..
wonder what else i'll discover tomorrow~~

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